2021年1月23日 星期六

Wineshark Cooking Class - Steamed Leopard Coral Grouper 清蒸東星斑

Ingredients (for 4):
  • Leopard coral grouper - 1 tail (around 500 g)
  • Ginger - 10 g
  • Spring onion - 2 sprigs
  • Oil - 2 tbsp
  • Soy sauce - 1 tbsp
  • Fish sauce - 1 tsp
  • Sugar - 1 tsp
  • White pepper powder - dashes
  • Water - 2 tbsp

1. Mix soy sauce, fish sauce, sugar, white pepper powder and water for the sauce.

2. Clean the fish and remove the blood vessels inside the body.

3. Cut the ginger into shreds.

4. Cut the spring onion into shreds.

5. Steam the fish for 8 minutes. Remove the water on the steaming plate.

6. Cook the fish soy sauce. Pour the soy sauce on the fish.

7. Heat the oil and then add in the ginger to cook briefly.

8. Pour the ginger on the fish, and then sprinkle with the spring onion. 

