2019年10月19日 星期六

Wineshark Go Hiking - Wong Shek Family Walk and Tree Walk

Difficulty: 1/5

Total Distance: 2.6 km

Starting Point: Wong Shek Pier Bus Terminus

End Point: Wong Shek Pier Bus Terminus

Take KMB No. 94 from Sai Kung Bus Terminus, alight at the terminus

Beside the bus terminus there is clear signage indicating the Wong Shek Family Walk, and after a flight of steps uphill the trail would lead to a dirt path, with a nice panoramic view of the coast where many people are windsurfing.

Further along there is a diversion, and taking the left path will continue along the family walk and soon reaching another fork. Turning back to Tai Tan you will return after a while back to the diversion seen earlier, returning back to the start of the trail.

Instead of just returning, at the junction where there is a large signpost of Wong Shek Tree Walk one can proceed along the well-paved stone path and look at the different trees along. There are also a few BBQ spots with nice views towards Tai Tan.

Reaching the end of the tree walk one can walk along the Pak Tam Road back towards Wong Shek Pier, and take the KMB No. 94 back to Sai Kung.

