2019年10月6日 星期日

Wineshark Cooking Class - Braised New Potatoes with Pork and Onion

Ingredients (for 4):

  • Pork loin - 200 g
  • Potato - 4 
  • Carrot - 1
  • Onion - 1/2
  • Garlic - 4 cloves
  • Water - 1/2 cup
  • Oil - 1 tsp
  • Soy sauce - 2 tsp
  • White pepper powder - 2 tsp
  • Corn starch - 1 tsp


1. Cut the pork loin into strips.

2. Marinate the pork with soy sauce, white pepper powder and corn starch.

3. Peel the potatoes and cut into wedges.

4. Peel the carrot and cut into wedges.

5. Cut the onion into cubes.

6. Chop the garlic finely.

7. Saute the garlic with oil.

8. Add the onion, carrot and potatoes until half-cooked.

9. Add the pork and cook for a short while.

10. Add the water in, and cover the lid to cook until almost all the sauce is vaporized. Then serve.

