2024年1月11日 星期四

Wineshark Japan Journey - Kairakuen 偕楽園

We then proceed to Kairakuen 偕楽園. It was built in Edo Period 江戸時代 by Nariaki Tokugawa 徳川斉昭, the 9th lord of Mito 水戸藩九代藩主. The name reflects the lord’s desire to create a place where people can enjoy together.

After paying the entrance fee (300 yen) the East Gate leads to the big Touzai Plum Tree Forest, with more than 3,000 trees planted. In Spring it will be an amazing scene with all the trees blossoming.

Kobuntei front gate 好文亭表門 is main gate of Kairakuen.

The Moso Bamboo Grove 孟宗竹林 spreads out to the left from Kobuntei front gate. It is the largest moso bamboo groves in Japan, with cedar trees on the right.

Kobuntei 好文亭 is a building with the communal hall the feudal lord designed himself, aiming to provide the space to enjoy with his citizens.

Sendaidai 仙奕台 is a symbolic corner with stone chess boards.

Kairakuen Monument 偕楽園記碑 has Nariaki’s handwriting, recording his views on universe, life, and attitude as a lord.

Compared with Kenrokuen 兼六園I visited before, this garden is much less attractive unfortunately. Perhaps during the blossoming of the plum trees, it will be more interesting though.

Address: 茨城県水戸市見川 1-1251

Tel: 029-233-0238

