2023年8月28日 星期一

Wineshark Nice Hotel - Yunagi no Yu Hotel Hanajyukai 夕凪の湯 花樹海

After a short drive we arrived at Yunagi no Yu 夕凪の湯   Hotel Hanajyukai 花樹海, located on the east side of Mineyama Ryokuchi Park 峰山緑地公園. The hotel has a total of 45 rooms, and we had booked the Japanese style room with open-air stone bath 岩露天風呂付客室(和室). The cost per night was 59,000 yen (including dinner and breakfast for two).

Our room was Sakura (Room 108). After a short corridor was the Japanese style room, of 12 mat in size.

There was also a side room which could accommodate a few more guests. The makeup room and bathroom were not particularly impressive, however.

The highlight of the room was definitely the outdoor garden. Walking out to the private, spacious Japanese garden, with outdoor table and chairs plus a sunbath bed, we could survey the busy Takamatsu while enjoying the quiet and peacefulness of our room, an interesting contrast.

The large stone bath was another highlight of the room. The carbonated spring water 炭酸水素塩泉 had the nickname of ‘beauty spring water’ 美人の湯 because of its smoothing effect on skin. With the shower facilities just on the side, it was also convenient.

Before dinner we took a walk around the hotel. In the lobby was the very beautiful altar that the local people would carry on their shoulders in the parade to celebrate a good harvest each year in October. There were also other artefacts to showcase the cultural elements of Kagawa.

Stepping out on the balcony in the lobby one could take a good look at Takamatsu, with the flat mountaintop of Yashima clear in the distance. The busy train station nearby, and the Seto Inland Sea further back, showed this city is the hub for going to different parts of Shikoku.

Instead of the buffet style restaurant 飯依比古, we were arranged to have dinner at Yunagi 夕凪, a semi-private room type restaurant exclusive for hotel guests opened in 2021.

I ordered a bottle of sake under the hotel’s own label: 純米大吟醸 花樹海 (7,150 yen) which was produced by 勇心酒造. Apart from sake, this brewery was also very active in cosmetics and healthcare products.

Starting with Hotel’s Original 花樹海オリジナル as Aperitif 食前酒, the Appetizer 先付 was Sweet Corn Mousse with Edamame 玉蜀黍のムース 枝豆.

The Western Style Appetizers 洋風前菜 included Marinated Sanuki Salmon with Mango 讃岐さーもんマリネ マンゴー , Local Shrimp, Octopus, Summer Vegetables with Vinegar Dashi Jelly 地海老 夏野菜 土佐酢ジュレ, Roasted Shiokoji Duck with Duqqa 合鴨塩麹ロースト デュカ, Monaka with Foie Gras, Raisin, and Honey フォアゲラレーズン最中 峰山蜂蜜, and Olive Pork Rillettes Canape オリーブ豚のリエット カナッペ.

The Sashimi 造里 included fresh seafood from Genpei 源平, with Greater Amberjack 間八, Pike Conger , Squid 烏賊. These were very delicious especially dipping with the Shodoshima Soy Sauce 小豆島醬油.

Next was Grilled Dish 焼肴, featuring the Seasonal Ayu Confit with Vegetable Salsa 鮎のコンフィ 野菜のクレオサ. The sweetfish was big in size, but its soft bones allowed us to eat the whole fish.

The main dish 強肴 was Roasted Japanese Beef with Shodoshima Soy Sauce, Horseradish and Asparagus 国産牛のローストビーフ 小豆島醬油ジャポネソース レフォール さめきのめざめ添え. The beef was tender and juicy, complemented with the tasty sauce, rich with savoury flavours.

Then it was stove dish 焜炉 featuring Udon in Chicken Broth, with Olive Pork, Shiitake Mushroom, Carrot, Leek, Radish, and Tofu さめきの夢を使つた卓袱饂飩すき 鶏摘入れ オリーブ豚 椎茸 焼板 人参 観音葱 大根 豆腐.

The rice 御飯 was Steamed Rice with Olive Chicken, together with Pickles オリーブ地鶏 香の物盛り合わせ. The Soup 止椀 used Sanuki Miso, with Seaweed, Nameko Mushroom, Spring Onion, and Japanese Pepper 讃岐味噌仕立て ワカメ 滑子 粉山椒.

Dessert 口直し was Milk Pudding from Local Farm with Fruit 藤川牧場のミルクプリン フルーツ.

Taking a walk around the hotel to help digestion, we went to the balcony on the hotel lobby again for the wonderful night view of Takamatsu before going back to sleep.

Waking up to some thunderstorm, the weather turned bad today, and we began to worry the effects of the typhoon to the remaining of our trip, especially with some heavy downpours coming towards Takamatsu in the distance.

Anyway, we went for breakfast first, which was served at the same restaurant Yunagi 夕凪. Starting with a glass of Healthy Black Vinegar Mixed with Apple Juice健康 黒酢入り林檎じゅーす as pre-meal beverage 食前.

The breakfast set was appealing, with a wide range of food, including different local delicacies as side dishes: てっぱい, 法蓮草のお浸し, 白身魚の揚げ三杯, 切り干し大根, しょうゆ豆, ひじきの煮物.

It was a true feast with 鯖塩焼き 染おろし, 温地野菜 ひしほ味噌添え, 讃岐コーチンの卵を使った オリーブ地鶏の羽二重蒸し, 讃岐特産米 綾川産こしひかり, 香の物盛合せ 昆布佃煮 壬生菜漬け 梅干, いりこ香る讃岐の合せ味噌仕立て 若芽 , and キウイのヨーグルト掛け.

