2023年8月12日 星期六

Wineshark Cooking Class - Steamed Grass Carp Belly with Salted Fish and Dried Shrimps 蒸三及第魚

Ingredients (for 4):

  • Grass carp belly - 1 piece
  • Dried shrimps - 40 g
  • Salted fish - 1 piece
  • Ginger - 2 slices
  • Sugar - 1/2 tsp
  • Red chili - 1
  • Oil - 1 tbsp
  • Soy sauce - 1 tbsp

1. Clean the grass carp belly, remove the blood clots. 

2. Soak the dried shrimps in water until softened, then drain and drip dry.

3. Cut the red chili into shreds.

4. Cut the ginger into shreds.

5. Lightly press the salted fish with the flat side of the chopper. 

6. Place the dried shrimps on the bottom of the steaming plate.

7. Put the grass carp belly on top.

8. Place the salted fish on top of the grass carp belly.

9. Put the sugar on the salted fish, then place the shredded ginger and chili on top.

10. Steam it for 14 minutes. 

11. Lift the lid after 3 minutes to release the steam. Then cover again to continue steaming.

12. Turn off the heat and let the fish stay in wok for another 2 minutes. Then drizzle with soy sauce and cooked oil.

