2018年1月6日 星期六

Nutritionist Recipe - 50. Stir Fried Pork with Edamane Beans and Bean Curd Sheet

Ingredients (for 4):

  • Pork - 140 g
  • Shanghai rice cake - 4 rolls
  • Edamane beans - 300 g
  • Bean curd sheet - 5 sheets
  • Pickled vegetable - 1 
  • Ginger - 1 small piece
  • Spring onion - 1 sprig
  • Chicken stock - 400 ml
  • Water - 600 ml
  • Oil - 1 tsp

1. Cut the pork into cubes.

2. Cut the Shanghai rice cake into pieces.

3. Remove the Edamane beans from the pods.

4. Cut the bean curd sheet into strips.

5. Soak the pickled vegetable in water for a hour, squeeze dry then cut into pieces.

6. Peel the ginger and cut into thin strips.

7. Cut the spring onion into pieces.

8. Heat the pan with oil, then stir fry with ginger.

9. Add the pork to continue stir fry for a short while.

10. Add the Edamane beans and pickled vegetable and continue to stir fry.

11. Add 200 ml chicken stock and 300 ml water.

12. Add the bean curd sheet strips and continue to cook until everything is well cooked.

13. Heat a pan with the remaining chicken stock and water to boil.

14. Add the Shanghai rice cake to the soup to cook until it is softened.

15. Add the spring onion.

16. Switch off the heat and let the rice cake to continue to soak in the hot soup for a short while.

