2024年9月14日 星期六

Wineshark Weekend Cooking - Braised Duck with Young Taro 芋仔燜鴨

Ingredients (for 4):
  • Muscovy duck - 1 (around 1.2kg)
  • Salt - 1 tsp
  • Oil - 1 tbsp
  • Young taro - 8
  • Shallot - 3
  • Garlic - 4 cloves
  • Ginger - 1 piece
  • Soy sauce - 1/4 cup
  • Bean paste - 2 tbsp
  • Chinese yellow wine - 1/4 cup
  • Sugar - 2 tsp
  • Water - 4 cups

1. Remove the skin of the young taro and then use a wet tissue to wipe clean. Keep in breezy area to dry.

2. Clean the duck and wipe dry. Then use the salt to marinate the inside. 

3. Cut away the head and neck, legs and wings, and the tail. Remove excess fat as well.

4. Brush the duck skin with ginger juice, and then soy sauce. 

5. Smash the shallot and garlic.

6. Heat the wok at medium-high level, and then pour in the oil once red hot. Place the duck in after wiping dry, with the breast facing down, to pan-fry till golden brown. Then flip over and continue, until all four sides are golden brown in colour. Then remove. 

7. Add the young taro in, and continue to cook for a while.

8. Add in the crushed shallot and garlic to cook for a while, then remove and drain off the oil.

9. Add back 1 tbsp of oil into the wok, and then add the bean paste and sugar, until the sugar has melted.

10. Add in Chinese yellow wine and soy sauce.

11. Add the duck back in, with the breast facing down. 

12. Add in enough water to submerge half of the duck, then cover with lid and cook for 25 minutes under medium heat.

13. Add the young taro and continue to cook for another 25 minutes until the duck meat is tender.

14. Remove the duck and cut into pieces, and continue to heat the sauce to reduce. 

15. Pour the sauce on the duck to serve.

