2023年9月16日 星期六

Wineshark Nice Hotel - Asan Kotonami 湯山荘 阿讃琴南

The hotel we stay is Asan Kotonami 湯山荘 阿讃琴南. Kotonami 琴南 is a curve of the mountain stream, close to the border between Kagawa and Tokushima 徳島. With all 28 rooms in the main building overlooking the mountains, the Satoyama hut 里山の別荘 are separate cottages all with spacious wooden terrace.

As it is beside a clean stream, during early summer night one can see fireflies. Surrounded by woodlands, one can take a little trip to the nearby river and do hiking. There is also a footbath near the entrance, ideal place to relax after the hiking.

The staff greets us warmly and brings us refreshments while handling the registration. The lobby is very nicely designed, with a fireplace in the centre and bookshelves on both sides. With warm lighting the whole ambience is cozy and comfortable.

We are then shown to Room 315, a Japanese-Western Style Room with Private Open-Air Bath Type F. The room is spacious with a total area of 94 sqm. Including dinner and breakfast for two, the cost per night is 81,700 yen.

Right after the entrance there is the Japanese style room with tatami, 4.5 mat in size.

Further in is the Western style room, with twin beds and living room. Very neatly decorated, with the windows looking at a small garden.

The makeup room is brightly lit and leads to the bathing area.

Which leads to the large terrace, which comprises of two sections. One being the open-air bath, facing the forest. The spring water comes from Miai Onsen 美合温泉, the hotel’s private hot spring, a Carbon Dioxide Spring 二酸化炭素泉.

The other half has outdoor seating and is an ideal spot to look at the forest and the stars at night. There is a movable partition between these two sections so one can close it for privacy purpose.

The public baths of the hotel are also very nice. Riverside Bath せせらぎ is surrounded by the forest, with a variety of baths, including open-air rock bath, a low-temperature bath for lying down, and a deep bath of 100 cm, and a sauna. For those who prefer privacy there is the rental bath Nagomiyu なごみ湯.

We have our dinner at the main dining room Kokuu 穀雨, offering authentic Satoyama cuisine 里山料理, using vegetable and rice from local farmers, ingredients from Shikoku and Asan.

Like my usual routine, I order a local sake, 勇心 純米大吟醸 from 勇心酒造 (11,495 yen) to go with the food.

The course starts with 小鉢三種盛り including 鰻ザク, サラダチキン梅肉和え, 夏野菜の煮凝り.

The second course 造里 has 海鮮三種盛りと里山あしらい一式, including 愛媛県産 鯛洗い造里, 瀬戸内産 鱧の湯引き, 讃岐サーモン.

The third course 肉料理 has オリーブ牛石焼き 夏野菜添え 自家製辛味噌 レモン 鳴門のうず塩.

The fourth course 焼物 includes 鮎の塩焼き 蓼酢 酢橘 水晶青梅.

The fifth course 炊物 is オリーブ豚角煮 夏野菜あんかけ.

The sixth course 酢の物 is 八十八名物 ところてん 水貝柱立て.

The final course 御飯 features 讃岐米コシヒカリ釜炊御飯, while 吸い物 is 天空の地 島が峰蕎麦, with 香の物 being 手造り浅漬け他三種.

Dessert デザート is 季節のデザート.

After a good sleep, we are happy to see the weather turns better from yesterday. Finishing another morning bath in open-air, we come to Kokuu 穀雨 for breakfast.

Starting with a wake-up juice お目覚めのジュース.

The starter is 季節の小鉢三種盛り.

Next is Roasted Beef Salad with Homemade Dressing ロースビーフのサラダ 自家製ドレッシング.

The 宝楽焼き has Salt Grilled Salmon 鮭塩焼き, Eel Egg Roll 鰻巻き卵, Cabbage Rolls ロールキャベツ, Summer Vegetables 夏野菜.

The 郷土料理 has Eggplant Noodle 茄子素麺, with the noodle from 小豆島 の光.

The 温物 is Handmade Tofu 手作り豆腐, seasoned with Sunflower Oil ひまわりオイル, and Sea Salt from Naruto 鳴門のうず塩.

Coming to 御飯 it is 香川県産コシヒカリ 又は 炊き込みご飯. 汁物 is 伊吹産いりこ出汁 こんぴら味噌汁, with 香の物 being 梅干, 白菜漬け, and 根菜彩.

Finish with Seasonal Fruit 季節の果物.

