2016年6月3日 星期五

Wineshark HK Restaurant Review - King of Mango

Further in my day trip to Cheung Chau to relax and enjoy the early summer afternoon, I went to this small dessert shop, renown for its mango mochi. Opening by 3:30pm, when we first arrived it was still closed, and luckily we came back again later otherwise we might have missed trying their delicacy.

I first tasted the mango mochi and mango agar. The mochi is really nice with a thin skin of great chewy texture, and the mango is fresh with an appropriate sweetness. Easily I can understand why it became such a popular dessert and making this a signature for Cheung Chau and even expanding nowadays to other districts. The agar is also nice, with good taste and munchy texture.

Then I added a frozen mango piece. This is a real treat in the summer with the mango flesh frozen to give a crunchy style, and could be regarded as a premium popsicle. I can imagine if I am selling these on the beach I would probably earn a lot of money in no time...

The three pieces cost a total of $32, which is very reasonably priced. However I would wonder how the restaurant could maintain during the low season of mango. But that probably not something I should think too much...

My overall rating is 45/100.

