2023年7月22日 星期六

Wineshark Cooking Class - Steamed Dried Scallops with Black Moss 發財瑤柱脯

Ingredients (for 4):

  • Dried scallops - 50 g
  • Black moss - 30 g
  • Lettuce - 200 g
  • Garlic - 12 cloves
  • Ginger juice - 1 tsp
  • Chinese yellow wine - 1 tsp
  • Soy sauce - 1 tbsp
  • Sugar - 1 tsp
  • Chicken stock - 250 ml
  • Oyster sauce - 1 tbsp
  • Tapioca starch - 1/2 tsp
  • Sesame oil - 2 tsp

1. Soak the black moss with water to cover, and add a few drops of oil, for 30 minutes.

2. Rinse the black moss and squeeze dry.

3. Mix 100ml of chicken stock with soy sauce, sugar and 1 tbsp of oil. 

4. Add the sauce to the black moss.

5. Rinse the dried scallops and then soak in water for 5 minutes.

6. Peel off the skin of the garlic.

7. Drain the water and then carefully remove the hard part of the dried scallops without breaking.

8. Deep-fry the garlic until golden brown.

9. Drain off the excess oil.

10. Place the dried scallops in a bowl of about 15cm in diameter. Then put the garlic on the sides.

11. Add ginger juice and Chinese yellow wine in. Then pour in sufficient chicken stock to cover the dried scallops.

12. Add the black moss on top. Press gently to fit the shape.

13. Steam for one hour.

14. Break up the lettuce and blanch in hot water. Then remove.

15. Put the bowl upside down on the serving plate, then flip and remove the bowl.

16. Put the lettuce on the side surrounding.

17. Heat up the remaining chicken stock.

18. Add in oyster sauce, then gradually pour in the mixture of tapioca starch and water to thicken. Season with sesame oil.

19. Pour the sauce on top to serve.

