- Chicken leg - 4 pcs
- Salt - 1 tsp
- Plain flour - 1/2 tbsp
- Brandy - 2 tbsp
- Dry white wine - 6 oz
- Paprika ground - 2 tsp
- Whipping cream - 3 oz
- Parmesan cheese - 2 oz
- Milk - 6 oz
- Parmesan cheese - 1 oz
- Bread crumbs - 1/2 tbsp
- French mustard - 2 tsp

2. Coat with flour and panfry till golden.
3. Remove the excess oil, then add brandy, white wine, paprika, milk and cheese to cook for about 10 minutes.
4. Put the chicken leg in oven tray and coat with French mustard.
5. Mix bread crumbs with cheese, then sprinkle on top of the chicken leg and put in oven till turning to golden brown.