- Fillet of fish - 8oz
- Cooking oil - 1oz
- Salt - 1 tsp
- White pepper powder - 1/2 tsp
- Plain flour - 1oz
- Egg - 1
- White wine - 1oz
- Worcestershire - 1 tsp
- Stock - 9oz
- Green bell pepper - 1oz
- Red bell pepper - 1oz
- Lemon juice - 1/2
- Butter - 1oz
- Diced pineapple - 1 slice
- Sugar - 1 tsp
- Tomato paste - 1 tbsp
- Tomato ketchup - 1/2oz
- White thickened - 1oz

Coat the fillet with flour and then egg, pan fry till it turns yellow.
Use butter to cook the green and red bell pepper, then add pineapple, white wine, Worcestershire, and other seasonings.
Pour the sauce on the fillet.