2024年5月14日 星期二

Wineshark Japan Journey - Yutoku Inari Shrine 祐徳稲荷神社

In 1687 Yutoku Inari Shrine was built upon the request of Kazanin Manko-hime 花山院萬子, the wife of Lord Nabeshima Naotomo 鍋島直朝公 who ruled the domain of Hizen Kashima. Here the deity Inari Okami 稲荷大神, guardian of food, clothing, and shelter, is worshipped.

The Shrine is one of the three most famous shrines dedicated to Inari, with over 3 million people visit the shrine every year. Cherry blossoms were flourishing at the time of our visit.

After parking our car, we crossed the road and walked over the Bridge of Kimpa River 錦波川, performing the ritual to clean up our hands at 手水舎 before getting ready to worship.

The Sanshuden 参集殿 is the place where we can purchase souvenirs.

The Gate 楼門 is beautiful and very colourfully decorated, with the two deities inside the tower gate made of Arita-ware, a traditional craft of Saga.

Kaguraden 御神楽殿 is newly built in 1966 where prayers for general worshippers are held.

Iwasakisha 岩崎社 is directly below the main hall. The deity Iwasaki Okami 岩崎大神 is known as god of matchmaking, with this place being a popular destination for young women in recent years.

Climbing up the steps we reach the main hall, with the beautiful cherry blossoms on the side.

The Gohonden 御本殿 has three enshrined deities, Kurainatama Okami 倉稲魂大神, Omiyauri Okami 大宮売大神, and Sarutahiko Okami 猿田彦大神.

Iwamotosha 岩本社 is located halfway up a steep cliff where Iwamoto Okami 岩本大神, the god of skill improvement, is enshrined.

The Red Torii 赤鳥居 leads from the main shrine to the inner shrine, through the many gates.

Myobusha 命婦社 enshrines the spirit of a white fox, a divine messenger of Inari Okami, who is said to help put out the fire at Kyoto Imperial Palace.

Because of the rain, we did not visit Manshihime 石壁社, where Manshihime 萬子媛 is enshrined, as well as Okunoin 奥の院, located at the top of the mountain. Hope we can come back in future to complete the whole tour.


Address: 佐賀県鹿島市古枝乙1855

Telephone: 0954-62-2151

Website: https://www.yutokusan.jp/


