2024年4月20日 星期六

Wineshark Japan Journey - Oncri 古湯温泉 Watahan 季味

The kaiseki dinner at Oncri is served at the restaurant Watahan 季味.

Our private room has a window looking out to the blooming cherry blossoms, with such nice view accompanying our meal it already won us over.

I order a bottle of local sake, from 馬場酒造場 in Kashima City, 能古見 純米吟醸 (6,270 yen). Its rich fruity melon and banana notes go well with the food.

Appetizers 前菜 include 鶏松風, 黄身寄せ真丈, 針魚の小袖寿司, 空豆蜜煮, 川魚甘露煮, 酢取茗荷, and 鴨山椒煮.

Seasonal delicacy 珍味   is 鰆炙り漬けと香味野菜.

Soup dish 吸替 is 真鯛の潮汁.

Sashimi 刺身   includes various fresh seafood お造り盛り合わせ.

Cooked dish 煮物 is 蕗と穴子の東寺巻き炊き合わせ.

Special dish 替鉢 is 活き鮑ステーキバター醤油焼き.

Deep-fried dish 揚物 is 車海老と白魚の天婦羅.

Grilled dish 焼物 is 佐賀牛ヒレの陶板焼き.

Rice and Soup 食事 is 佐賀県産米夢しずく クエの炊き込み御飯 いくら添え, with also 赤出汁味噌汁 and 珍味と香の物.

Dessert 甘味 is 和果子と実り.

A wonderful and enjoyable kaiseki dinner. 

