2021年9月22日 星期三

Wineshark Cooking Class - Succulent Poached Chicken 白切雞

Ingredients (for 4):

  • Chicken - 1 (around 1 kg)
  • Salt - 3 pinches
  • Oil - 3 tbsp
  • Soy sauce - 3 tsp
  • Ginger - 20 g
  • Spring onion - 2 sprigs
  • Shallot - 2

1. Clean thoroughly the chicken inside out, and then put the feet into the cavity. 

2. Put the chicken in boiling water to cook for 20 minutes. 

3. Turn off the heat and cover with lid to soak for another 10 minutes.

4. Put the chicken in icy water to cool down. Then cut into pieces.

5. Chop the spring onion, ginger and shallot finely.

6. Mix two of the components together to form three different dipping sauces. Add a pinch of salt to each. 

7. Pour in heated oil and then add 1 tsp of soy sauce each. Mix well.

