2019年3月11日 星期一

Wineshark Vacation - Tsuji 元祖磯料理 辻

3-19-36 Shimoda, Shizuoka


(05) 5822-0269


This restaurant is located in Shimoda 下田市, founded in 1955, and the owner had been getting the seafood directly from the wholesaler. There is a large tank in front of the restaurant where some of the live seafood are kept there temporarily.

Not exactly easy to find, it took us a while to arrive from the narrow road to this eatery. There is a small car park able to accommodate 4 vehicles. Overlooking the harbour in Shimoda, it has a total of 16 seats, half of them on tatami and half on table and chair.

I ordered the Grilled Lobster Set 伊勢海老の鬼殻焼き付き御膳 (3,800 yen) which included a whole lobster grilled to perfection with the signature sauce, grilled big clam and conch, squid with seaweed in vinegar sauce, sashimi (three types), salted squid intestines, rice and soup, plus dessert.

Honestly this lobster was the best I have ever tasted. Of a good size, the meat was firm but not rubbery, juicy and sweet in taste, with the sauce providing really nice flavors to supplement. The other seafood were also extremely fresh and good, and overall it was simply phenomenal in quality.

My wife ordered just the grilled lobster, but it was of a much bigger size, with my parents going for the braised splendid alfonso 金目鯛のつや煮 and assorted sashimi お刺身の盛り合わせ. All of them were great in taste and I also could not believe the total bill for all these was only 12,600 yen!

