2021年11月10日 星期三

Wineshark Go Hiking - Pineapple Dam Nature Trail 菠蘿壩自然教育徑

Difficulty: 1/5

Distance: 0.87 km

From: Pineapple Dam

To: Shing Mun Forest Track


  • Take Green Minibus No. 82 at Tsuen Wan, alight at the terminus at Pineapple Dam
  • Return by walking along Shing Mun Forest Track for about 1.1 km back to Pineapple Dam
Date: 6 Nov 2021

From the start walk up a short flight of steps to Shing Mun Country Park Visitor Centre to take a look.

Proceed onwards and the reservoir will be in sight. 

The path is dirt trail, very easy to walk and suitable for all ages. On the way there are a few streams too. 

The last part of this short trail is some steps, leading up to Shing Mun Forest Track, where you can continue to walk on the concrete path along the reservoir, or return to Pineapple Dam.

