2021年5月14日 星期五

Wineshark Cooking Class - Pizza Dough 薄餅皮


Ingredients (for 4):

  • Flour - 12 oz
  • Salt - 1/4 tsp
  • Yeast - 2 tbsp
  • Warm water - 2 oz
  • Water - 2 oz
  • Sugar - 1 tsp
  • Oil - 1 tsp
  • Milk - 2 oz

1. Mix the yeast with sugar and a bit of flour, and then add in the warm water to mix well. Let it ferment for a while.

2. Sieve the flour in a bowl, then make a hole and add salt, oil and the yeast mixture. 

3. Gradually pour in water and milk mixture and knead to form the dough.

4. Brush the dough with oil, put in a bowl and wrap with film. Put in a warming oven for 15 minutes to let it rise.

5. Roll the dough into a pizza shape and thickness. 

