2011年9月5日 星期一

Wineshark Recipe - 1. Fresh Prawn Cocktail with Thousand Island Dressing

Over the weekend I started to do some cooking, and I decided to share the recipe to my readers. If I can cook these dishes with success, I am sure you can too! Let's start with something easy, a Fresh Prawn Cocktail with Thousand Island Dressing.

First let's make the dressing. Yes, I do that from scratch instead of buying off the shelf. The portion here is good for 3-4 people. The ingredients include:
  • Onion - around 1/4 pc 
  • Sweet Gherkins - 2 small pcs
  • Boiled Egg - 1 pc
  • Mayonnaise - 5oz
  • Juice from the Sweet Gherkins - 1.5oz
  • Brandy - 1/2 tsp
  • Tomato Ketchup - 1.5oz
First we chop the ingredients into small pieces, then mix everything together. Easy right? Frankly this is the best Thousand Island I have ever tried (because I make it!!)

On the Fresh Prawn Cocktail, we have the following ingredients:
  • Fresh Prawn - around 15 pcs
  • Lettuce - 1 small pc
  • Tomato - 2 pcs
  • Cucumber - 0.5 pc
  • Parsley - 1 pc
  • Salt, Black Pepper, Brandy - a little each
Again, quite easy to make. First we remove the intestine from the prawns, and then boil a pot of water and put a) Celery, b) Onion, c) Bay Leaves, d) Black Pepper and e) Lemon in. After smelling the fragrance we put the prawns in to cook for about 5min. The prawns are then taken out to put the fridge to freeze, to remove the shell.

After that we put the seasonings to the prawns to mix well, and chop the lettuce into shreds to put on the plate, and then put tomato and cucumber on top, with the prawns and then apply the Thousand Island Dressing, and use the Parsley to decorate. 

Easy right?

