2023年7月21日 星期五

Wineshark Cooking Class - Steamed Dace Belly with Sour Ginger and Ren Mian Sauce 酸薑仁稔蒸鯪魚腩

Ingredients (for 4):

  • Dace belly - 2
  • Sour ginger - 8 slices
  • Chinese gooseberry sauce - 3 tbsp
  • Sweet bean paste - 1 tbsp
  • Soy sauce - 1 tbsp
  • Sugar - 2 tsp
  • Salt - 1/2 tsp
  • Spring onion - 2 sprigs + 2 sprigs

1. Cut the sour ginger into shreds.

2. Mix the Chinese gooseberry sauce with sweet bean paste, soy sauce, sugar and salt.

3. Cut half of the spring onion into sections.

4. Cut the remaining spring onion into shreds.

5. Wash the dace belly, removing the blood and black membrane inside the belly. Use kitchen paper to dry out the body and belly.

6. Put the spring onion sections on the steaming plate.

7. Wipe both the inside and outside of the dace belly with the sauce, then put on the steaming plate. Pour the remaining sauce on top.

8. Spread the shredded sour ginger on top.

9. Steam the fish for 8 minutes. 

10. Serve with the shredded spring onion on top.

