2023年3月18日 星期六

Wineshark Cooking Class - Pumpkin Bowl with Aloe Vera and Coconut Milk 蘆薈椰汁小南瓜盅

Ingredients (for 4):

  • Small pumpkin - 4
  • Aloe vera - 1 stem
  • Coconut milk - 1/4 cup
  • Sugar - 1/4 cup
  • Wolfberries - 1 tbsp

1. Soak the wolfberries in cold water until softened.

2. Remove the hard part of aloe vera, then cut into sections about 4 cm long. 

3. Remove the spines on the side, then remove the skin to get the transparent pulp.

4. Cut the aloe vera into small cubes about 7mm in size.

5. Wash the pumpkin, then remove the top 1cm as the cover. Scoop away the seeds and melon pulp.

6. Steam the pumpkin for 10 minutes. Then remove and remove the water inside.

7. Heat the aloe vera with sugar in a saucepan, until the sugar melts.

8. Add in the coconut milk and wolfberries. 

9. Scoop the mixture into the pumpkin, putting the wolfberries on top to decorate.

